Sunday, September 02, 2012

Have we met before...

Together, on that first evening
When we fell in love with the same song
We hadn't even known each other too long
It was too early to believe
That it was in my arms, you truly belong.
Yet that evening, left me wanting more
With an uncanny thought, have we met before?

Several evenings later
As we walked on the night grass, barefoot
Talking about everything that we possibly could
Time clearly seemed to fleet past
Through the unending hours that we spoke for
Yet caught in this whirlwind, I wondered, have we met before?

On an evening yet another
As we shared our passions for travel
I realized, unknowingly
Our own clandestine world had begun to unravel
Where our evenings began to wait
For the seemingly unending days to abate.
We were drawn to each other evermore...
While i wondered, helplessly, have we met before?

And today as I lay awake at night
It dawns upon me, alright
It wasn't  ever about the shared song
The barefoot walk or wanderlust abound
Of course, you've always been around
The teenage imagination, hitherto unfound
Ironical, how I have known you all along
And yet wondered, have I met you before?